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just disgusted

Well ladies and gentlemen. Who am I kidding, I have no readers, hahahahahahha! On a serious note, I’m at home because my period is reeking all kinds of havoc on my body.

I’ve been curled up in a ball since about 9:30 last night. The cramps are unbearable at times. Like giving birth did I hear someone say?

My period is not even the reason for this post. Posts? Yes, I know I owe a weeks worth of posts on my spring vacation but I have not finished writing them. I’m so busy trying to get some things finished at school. The Arts Festival is this weekend and I have been looking forward to that. School is finished in early June and well, let’s just say I’ve been busy.

The reason for this post. The reason for my disgust is what I found on the floor in the bathroom yesterday. At first I was just disgusted and simply went into the next stall but what I found in the next stall was equally disturbing. Girls are so disgusting.

I hope nobody was eating their lunch. I was taking these photos with my cell phone and another girl walked into the bathroom. I guess she was just as disgusted as me but she must have thought I was weird for taking photos!

I promise I will post about Spring Break as well as this Friday’s Arts Festival.

Naked Expressions